You discovered the archive, great ;D
This is mainly a collection of (presumably) old posts, that I don’t want to feature prominently on the main site, maybe because they are cringey, I don’t really agree with them anymore, they are not relevant anymore, or any combination. But I also don’t want to delete them, as they are still a part of this site or my past, so here you go. Just don’t judge them too harshly^^
Tags: Privacy, Tech
Tho, is it really? And should it be?
Tags: Tech
I have introduced Plausible Analytics into my page, here is why.
Tags: Personal life, Books
I bought books
Tags: Tech
I do not know how I could summarize this post, so in this post I talk a bit about piracy.
Tags: Tech
As you may have noticed I reworked my blog. Here is why and how.
Tags: #100DaysToOffload
Why not, I am giving this a try.
Tags: Personal life
Of course my first post is about something, that totally does not fit into the theme of this website, but I want to tell you about a walk I took today.