The xfce4-terminal default colors
These are the xfce4-terminal default colors. This is not an important post for most people, but I need the default colors from time to time and with this, I’ll always no where to find them.
And yes, I mean the default default colors, not any of the default themes. These are the colors that are used, when you install the terminal and open it for the first time.
black = #000000
light black/gray = #555555
red = #AA0000
light red = #FF5555
green = #00AA00
light green = #55FF55
yellow = #AA5500
light yellow = #FFFF55
blue = #0000AA
light blue = #5555FF
magenta = #AA00AA
light magenta = #FF55FF
cyan = #00AAAA
light cyan = #55FFFF
white = #AAAAAA
light white = #FFFFFF